Saturday, April 5, 2008

Two Announcements

First announcement… I’ve accepted the admissions offer of Carnegie Mellon. For those of you are curious, I did not get accepted to Columbia. I’m still waiting to hear back from NYU, but their decision won’t affect mine. Pittsburgh here I come. I’ll be moving out there in the beginning of August.

Second announcement… I’ll be teaching dance during June and July. I’ll be teaching a summer workshop in a studio in East Greenville, PA. It has been about two years since the last time I taught a dance class. I offered to volunteer, because it is only 8 weeks and I really just want to teach for the fun of it. The studio insisted that I receive some type of compensation. I think I might propose a trade. I’ve always wanted to learn how to tap dance, so I’m hoping that they will give me free lessons.

I’ll keep you posted on any developments…

Stay tuned…

1 comment:

Roxy said...

Yeah man, congrats on both! Looks like lots of doors have been opening for you. Here's to new opportunities and new endeavors! Huzzah!